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Quality news about judges.
Where you want it.
When you want it.
At, we believe transparent access to information about our court system is crucial to preserving the rule of law in a democracy.
We are dedicated to helping the public access trustworthy and valuable information that can help you understand the legal system and make informed decisions.
Amendment H - Judicial Reform
In November 2024, Colorado voters to amend the state constitution to strengthen the state's judicial discipline system. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​​​​​Additional allegations of judicial coverups have recently come from a Judicial Department insider. Here is the headline and a link to the story, which contains a link to the insider's complaint:
Public censure recently handed down to former judge David Brett Woods by the Colorado Supreme Court. Read details at this link:
Investigative journalist David Migoya has discovered that judges disciplined by the state court system, are now functioning as municipal judges.
Our Content
​This website is a gathering point for information and materials from past judicial scandals - and suggestions for how to mitigate and prevent them in the future.
Colorado has approximately 350 state court judges at any one time. Our collection of "cases & controversies" relates to a small, but important, segment of those judges.
Our goal is to facilitate your access to the professional journalism available about your Colorado judges.
Colorado has a strong tradition of a robust press corps that holds the powerful to account. We have superb media outlets like The Denver Post, The Denver Gazette, The Colorado Sun and Colorado Politics staffed by skilled professionals like David Migoya, Shelly Bradbury, and Michael Karlik who specialize in understanding and covering our judicial system.
However, once a story runs, it can be hard to find unless you already know what you are looking for.
We also have extensive legislative reports with important information that would otherwise gather dust in obscure archives. brings these well-researched and sourced materials together in one place that is easily accessible to members of the public.
We include links to the stories cited through their original sources. As a result, you may sometimes have to access the original through a paywall.
Who We Are does not solicit or accept funds or advertising.
The curator and webmaster for is Alan Higbie.
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He is a retired trial lawyer who practiced for 42 years in Colorado and Alaska. He served for 8 years on a local Colorado judicial performance commission, during which time he became familiar with the merit selection and retention process.
The Masias Contract Scandal caught his attention. As he peeled back one layer after another, it, unfortunately, looked more and more as if the administration of our judicial system was corrupt.
Alan Higbie is the author of "Preparing for the Next Scandal: Valuable Insights from the 2019-2023 Judicial Corruption Scandal."
He took a special interest in the circumstances surrounding the flawed indictment of his former state legislator, Sen. Pete Lee.
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