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Amendment H was placed on the 2024 ballot by the state General Assembly.  It was an integral part of a package to reform Colorado's judicial discipline system.  The legislation arose out of a judicial corruptiuon scandal which took place between 2019 and 2023.
Some reforms were implemented by way of amendments to state stautes.  But other fixes require changes to the Colorado Constitution.  These are what is proposed by Amendment H.


Amendment H results from passage of Colorado House Continuing Resolution 23-1001.  This resolution was supported by a 60-3 vote of the House and 35-0 vote of the Senate. This was an overwhelming bipartisan majority of both legislative chambers which sponsored the measure.  This demonstrates wide-spread agreement and that these reforms are not controversial. 

Amend H
Amendment H

Colorado media outlets are urging voters to vote YES in favor of Amendment H. 

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